Project Partners: Luke Erickson & Apexa Patel (all drawings completed in tandem)

Finalist in the 2018 Architecture Drawing Prize


The Calendar House is a fictitious entry into the art-exhibiting scene. The architecture of exhibiting art in the city has stagnated into a repeating equation: White Walls + Exposed Structure + Art = Gallery. As the Calendar House attempts to segue from a historic structure to a contemporary experience without applying the equation, it is a Significance of space that takes the dominant role over a Function of space. Elevation, Section and Plan Oblique reflect and obfuscate the spatial relationships of material, circulation and time.
Historically, Calendar Houses have featured numbers of elements that correspond to a calendar e.g. 365 windows or 7 doors. This Calendar House is designed on an old calendar from New Work Magazine Issue No. 2.

Project Partners: Luke Erickson & Apexa Patel (all drawings completed in tandem)
"Luke Erickson (M.Arch. '16) and Apexa Patel (M.Arch. '16) are pleased to present the work completed in the course of their Eidlitz Fellowship with Cornell University. The exhibition in Bibliowicz Gallery, Milstein Hall will showcase 60 drawings analyzing the trajectory of spatial themes notably characterized in Arnold Bocklin's "Isle of the Dead" painting series. Erickson is currently an architectural designer for Morris Adjmi Architects in New York City. Upon graduation from Cornell, he was awarded the Shreve Award for Excellence and Originality in a Graduate Thesis, and the Eschweiler Prize for Merit and Distinction in the M.Arch. Design Studios. Apexa Patel is currently an architectural designer for Ennead Architects in New York City. Upon graduation from Cornell, she was awarded the Alpha Rho Chi Medal."

Eidlitz Fellowship Exhibition