The Unhealable Wound – A Play – Luke Erickson / Taylor Stollbert / Hong Yeol In
Prologue // The following drawings represent the odyssey of “The Unhealable Wound.” This narrative follows a series of scenographic archetypes founded on Carl Jung’s psychology. Through eight acts, The Unhealable Wound manifests itself upon the stage of the primitive form, a physical and psychological rift that can never be resealed. This loss of innocence can not be undone. Representative of global pollution, the timeline reflects a path towards oblivion and man’s intervention establishes an alternate series of events. Each scene depicts a stage upon which the material actors perform. These performances seek to communicate their identity with the viewing audience in the vein of l’architecture parlante. The stage is set.
Light // The play begins with light, symbolizing hope through rejuvenation.
Supernatural Intervention // Man intervenes with Nature inciting confusion and ruin.
Whirlpool // Natures own destructive power rises to meet the world of Man.
Maze // Man embarks on a path for illumination, only to be confronted by the monster within.
Crossroads // A time for decisive action has arrived. Man chooses destruction.
Threshold // Man passes through his elected gateway, unaware of what awaits.
Underworld // Facing his own death, Man witnesses his diabolical creation.
Hell // The twisted, mutilated world engulfs man.
Cornell University - AAP
Master of Architecture Program
Postdigital Formalisms
Fall 2014
Elective Professor: Sasa Zivkovic
Final Portion Partners: Taylor Stollbert, Hong Yeol In
Sasa Zivkovic